Meet Your Community Leaders & Dedicated Volunteers

Get to know your dedicated volunteers



Kim is a life-long, 3rd generation Arden resident and a retired Financial Manager from Anne Arundel County Government. After 31 years of service, she have committed her spare time to giving back to the community. Using her skills and knowledge of County operations and services that benefit our community, as well as her experience in budgeting, spending, revenue management, information technology, supervision, office management, program management, and project management, she is always looking for ways to improve the quality of life for Arden residents. She appreciates and respects a good team and forward progress. She believes community is absolutely crucial to the team's success and appreciates all of you!

Vice President

Stacy Henderson

Stacy has previously served as Secretary for the ACA and is a successful real estate agent making her mark in the community. Her energy and desire to be involved and assist in any way she can is much appreciated by all.

Claire and her husband Sean and son live in Section 1. Claire compliments the position of treasurer with her experience with financials using QuickBooks. She has some great, innovative ideas to help the ACA move forward in the technology world. She is excited to support community outreach efforts and volunteers time to serve as a support specialist to the ABI Registrar to alleviate some of the responsibility by managing watercraft storage rack request processing and beach reservations to allow the Registrar to vocus on annual registration and amenity processing. Claire is a great addition to our team and to both our community organizations.

Cindy and her husband Matt and daughter Jocelyn moved to Arden (Section 1) a few years ago from Laurel and have quickly become integrated with Arden's organizations through their devoted volunteerism. Cindy served ABI as the Registrar for a season before taking on another job and is now helping us with ACA.

Section 1 Delegate

Greg McDearmon

Greg has resided in Arden for a few years now and immediately became involved in volunteering for the community. He has graciously stepped up to represent Section 1.

Section 2 Delegate 

Larry resides in Section 2 with his wife and children. He has been here since 1998. His wife grew up in Arden.

He has worked in public service since 1989. He was a volunteer firefighter for the first 5 years and has been working in a 911 center since then. He is currently a supervisor in the 911 center. For 11 years he was the centers' union President and was responsible for representing 60 members. He worked in close contact with the County Executive and other County officials in the County in which he worked at that time, and has continued those personal and professional relationships.

He is also a member of the ACA Neighborhood Watch as the Section 2 Representative. His goal is to get more involved with the great community we live in.

Section 3 Delegate

Logan has been an Arden resident since January 2023 and is eager to get involved and help where he can. He has offered his experience and skill set to assist on the ACA Information Technology Committee. We're excited to work with Logan.

Section 4 Delegate 

Eric has been an Arden resident since 2019 and is always willing to assist both ACA and ABI whenever he can. He shares great ideas and always offers and is will to help with community events. Eric is a great community asset.

Section 5 Delegate 

Stacy has been an Arden resident since at least 2005, marrying a lifelong resident, Danny Hommel right here on Beach 5. Stacy's bubbly personality and thoroughness make her the perfect fit for our Section 5 Delegate position. She has an extreme desire to help others and her customer service skills are exemplary. We are excited she is part of our team.



Ria Jacob, Manager

Lisette Mule, Editor

Paul Jacob, Article Submissions



We are looking for a volunteer to serve as Parliamentarian for the ACA, taking the lead on reviewing ByLaws and developing Policies & Procedures for the ACA. If you are interested in joining our team, CONTACT US for more information.

Town Hall Manager

Jeff Metzger

Jeff has accepted the role of Town Hall Building Manager with devotion and dedication to the projects he's been part of over the past few years. Jeff is an amazing volunteer and a valuable resource to our community. He has also accepted the role of Section 2 Beach Representative for ABI.

Town Hall Greenskeeper

Rebecca Murphy

Rebecca has stepped up to fill a void with our grounds maintenance at Town Hall. We are fortunate that along with her creative mind, she has a "green thumb" and a true love for plants and gardening. Her vision and ability to see how her creativity can add to our seasonal decorations in conjunction with the Entertainment Committee truly makes for Town Hall beautification to take hold for everyone's enjoyment.

Development & Zoning

Damon Cogar

Damon's background in County code enforcement and in the field of environmental and storm water management, as well as land development consulting gives him the ability to assist Arden in development and zoning issues that affect us directly and indirectly. He has developed successful working relationships with various County agencies and departments and serves as a liaison between Arden and the County.

Neighborhood Watch

John Murphy

John's law enforcement background and love for Arden makes him our perfect Neighborhood Watch Program leader. John cares deeply for Arden on the Severn as his ties to the community and our beaches run deep. Following the lead from his father, Frank Murphy, who was very much involved in both the Arden Recreation organization as well as Arden Beaches, Inc., John's passion is admirable and is a great asset to us all.

Entertainment & Special Events

Rebecca Murphy

Rebecca is an amazingly talented background in crafting and creating which allows her the ability to come up with some great ideas for community and special events that bring neighbors together and provide an avenue for the development of friendships and the feeling of teamwork in our community. We are certainly lucky to have her on our team!

Historic Preservation

Rodney Daff

Rodney has joined us with his love of history and has worked hard to research Arden's history, collect Arden artifacts, and obtain priceless stories from our long-time residents who have so many great stories of how Arden came to be formed and has contributed to what Arden is today. We thank him for his devotion to this task.


Jessica has taken over the lead with the kids and sponsors regular music classes. Jessica works with the Arden Littles as well as the Arden Teens Clubs planning and coordinating events and fundraisers for our Arden youth.

Kids Club "Littles" 

Kim takes the lead with the Arden Littles working closely with Jessica to plan and coordinate kid events and fundraisers.

Teens Club

Getting our teens together in social gatherings to meet each other and development friendships (even lifelong) is so very important. Join us and help with this teen mission!

Senior's Club

Etta is an amazing leader in our senior's club. She is extremely active in the ACA and is always willing to provide assistance in various events and community meetings. She communicates with our Arden seniors meeting them at their level of communication. We love our Etta!