Development & Zoning

Chaired By: Damon Cogar

The Development and Zoning Committee will function as liaison between our community and local and state jurisdictions to keep abreast of development in the Crownsville vicinity that may or may not affect Arden on the Severn directly.

Arden Speed Humps & Traffic Study Results

This past fall, the ACA requested a traffic study for the possible addition of speed humps on Omar Drive, Whitneys Landing Drive, and Evergreen Road. The RESULTS of the traffic study reveal that we do not qualify for additional speed humps at this time.

New High School for Arden Students

Old Mill West High School

Now being named (by popular vote), "Severn Run High School" with wolf mascot and colors is set to open in the 2024-2025 school year.

[CLICK HERE] to review information from the Architect.

Millersville Park Information and Survey

Follow the County's progress on the development of Millersville Park [HERE].

Millersville Park is the 35-acre site of a former farm and two homes across from Millersville Elementary School.  The site offers about 17 acres for park development if existing forest and trees are preserved and 100 ft forested buffers are established along Interstate 97 and adjacent home properties. 

Arden Park (Over-Scheduling; Insufficient Parking) Concerns

5/20/2023 Arden/Annapolis Lacrosse Tournament

Arden Park Scheduling

Organized sport tournaments are being scheduled at Arden Park with inadequate parking with only 80 marked parking spots. Recently (May 20, 2023) this became painfully obvious to a majority of Ardenites living in Sections 1 - 4. If you are concerned with property damage, safety, and emergency response times as a result of this type of scheduling, please reach out to our County Officials and express your concern: County Executive. Pittman [EMAIL]; Constituent Services Director Vincent Moulden [EMAIL]; DRP Director Jessica Leys [EMAIL], and DRP Deputy Director Erica Jackson Matthews [EMAIL]. Be sure to send in your concerns now as it relates to the Millersville Park project design as well.

Crownsville Hospital Property Transfer to AACo for Development

July 6, 2022, the State Board of Public Works unanimously voted to transfer the Crownsville Hospital property to the County. Anne Arundel County’s vision is to transform the property into the Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park to serve County residents and honor the history and legacy of the Center and those institutionalized during its operation. Future plans for Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park include preserving the undeveloped portion of the property and establishing passive and low-impact uses such as trails. Possible uses for the developed area include health and wellness programming. The property will be utilized to further enhance the non-profit presence and community support services that are already on site. Over the long term, the County looks forward to the restoration of the historic core of the hospital grounds, to include a museum dedicated to interpreting the history of Crownsville Hospital and a memorial to honor the former patients interred on the property. This marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new Chapter with the rebirth of the Crownsville property, not as a Hospital, but as Crownsville Memorial Park, a Center for Hope & Healing. We will follow the progress and report here. Stay tuned!

[CLICK HERE] for the County Executive's Latest and Greatest!

County Executive Pittman Creates Advisory Committee for Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park.

[READ] The Crownsville Advisory Committee (CAC) July 2024 report which includes the four subcommittee recommendations for the future of Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park.

Crownsville Hospital Center

See the abandoned facility via drone on Youtube [HERE].

[CLICK HERE] to see the AACo CIP for the Crownsville Non Profit Center project to become part of the larger scale transition.

AACo Preserves 158 Acres of Forested Land on Crownsville Hospital Property [READ MORE]. If you missed the June 27th Town Hall and would like to provide your thoughts and ideas for the development of this property, you may do so [HERE].

A Town Hall with County Executive Stuart Pittman was held on Tuesday, June 27th to discuss the County's vision for this project and allowing those in attendance to share their desires for the project. The site consists of 500 acres (160 acres in easement with the Maryland Environmental Trust, and 20 acres in easement with the Maryland Historic Trust which includes 10 main buildings on the site), and 76 structures which include buildings, sheds, out-buildings, water tower, etc. 

The following are some of the ideas expressed by attendees:

Crownsville Fire Station

Out with the with the new!

[CLICK HERE] to view the Community Presentation from the Fire Department.

Check out the AACo Fire Department Website highlighting this project.

Crownsville Fire Station

The ground-breaking ceremony for the Crownsville Fire Station was held on Mar 1st and permits were issued for project start anticipated for the week of Mar 6th. Proposed construction completing for late fall 2024.


Follow Progress on Facebook [HERE]

[LIKE] Crownsville Fire Station 6 on Facebook 


More to Come....Stay tuned!

Annapolis-Crownsville Fire Training Academy & 911 Center Proposed

On the Radar

Apr 26th we received a call from the AACo County Executive's Community Engagement Office providing a heads-up about the County's purchase of 95.63 acres of property off of Generals Highway behind the Rams Head Roadhouse in Nov 2022. They are proposing a new Fire Training Academy and 911 Center.

Crownsville Dunkin Donuts Proposed

View more information on the AACo Planning & Zoning website [HERE] where you can also watch meeting playbacks.

Rethinking Plans for Valentine Creek Park Public Waterway Access


New life may be breathed into this project soon but on a much smaller scale. The ACA is part of the stakeholder group for this park development. A new proposal may include a fishing pier and soft launch for canoes, kayaks and the like. More to come......

HISTORY: AACo held a virtual kick-off meeting of stakeholders held on May 10, 2022, presenting 3 conceptual plans. The County Executive and Director of Constituent Services toured the property with stakeholders on July 26th as a result of feedback received through the surrounding communities. Joe Clark (ABI Chairman) was able to personally express Arden's concerns and the views of the majority of our survey participants with the County Executive.

The County Executive held a town hall at Baldwin Hall on July 27th to discuss this project as well as others in the area. In summary, the County Executive stated that the concepts presented by Recreation & Parks in May are now scrapped, further stating that the ecological damage of this project far exceeds the benefit that would be offered to the public. The Crownsville Conservatory will stay involved, as will your Arden representatives, to protect the "Big Woods" from any irresponsible use in the future.

Read "PropTalk" [HERE]

READ ALL ABOUT IT in an article published in the Capital Gazette on August 13th.

Plan 2040

Plan 2040 is the General Development Plan for Anne Arundel County. It sets the policy framework to protect the natural environment, shape development of the built environment, provide public services to promote healthy communities, and support a diverse, resilient economy. Plan 2040 provides a shared, long-range framework for County elected officials, staff, and community members for addressing land use issues. It balances many competing demands on land use by creating consistent development patterns. Plan 2040 was developed through dozens of public forums and is informed by thousands of comments from the community. 

There are many common concerns throughout the County, including traffic congestion, school capacity, environmental protection, and housing affordability. These issues are complex and broad; addressing them requires the efforts of over 20 County departments, along with State and Federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. Plan 2040 includes goals, policies, and strategies to address these issues and manage development and redevelopment. Click on the Useful Link on this page for additional information.


The Council exists to preserve and protect the Generals Highway Corridor’s rural and residential way of life, the health, safety and wellbeing of its citizens, its historic sites and significance, and the sustainability of its natural environment. ACA assigns a representative to serve as a member in this organization to report important information to the community.

For more information, visit: GHCCA or join them on FaceBook.

Contact our ACA representative, Jasmine Wilding for more information.



The Development and Zoning Committee is made up of a mix of people who share an interest in the development occurring in and around Arden on the Severn. If you are interested in this topic and in making new friends and forming community bonds, please contact us or feel free to join in a monthly ACA meeting.